banner for Sylvia Winifred Chering, Michael Chering, Marian Cole, Hugh Colepicture of Olsen family tree of Sylvia Winifred Chering, Michael Chering, Marian Cole, Hugh Cole
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Photo of Ralph Coledividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of  Betty Cole
Ralph and Betty Cole
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of ? Coledividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Hugh Ralf Coledividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of Marian Lucille Cole (née Chering)Photo of Nigel Coledividing bar used by John and Shirley OlsenPhoto of ? ColePhoto of Phillip Cole
? Coleand Hugh and Marian (née Chering) ColeNigel and ? ColePhillip Cole
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
dividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsendividing bar used by John and Shirley Olsen
Photo of male ColePhoto of female ColePhoto of Jessica Cole
male Colefemale ColeJessica Cole
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